Welcome back to the last term of Year 6!  I hope that you’ve had a good break and are raring to go! This term we will be looking at transition to your next school; we will do this through a number of ways. The main thing is to try not to panic or worry; we are fully aware of how this is not an ideal situation as are the secondary schools. We will be providing lots of opportunities to ask questions and to be involved.

Young Voices

You may be thinking we’ve done Young Voices already! However YV are doing a special sing-a-long tomorrow at 2:30pm. If you are interested in being involved then click the link below to access the information


Information about why YV have decided to do this special choir:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYN9BxpH5ik&feature=youtu.be

Tutorials can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFTl8WEjeyzKoBT4-q4sK01QrZzD1Oaw5


Extension Theme: This week focuses on calculating your own carbon footprint, exploring how climate change affects the Arctic and how this is impacting polar bears.

When following links online, parents should monitor that children are remaining on that page only and are keeping safe online.

Day 1 – Monday

BBC website – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zncsscw/year-6-lessons/1

Find English for today’s lesson 1st June

LI – To use antonyms and synonyms


Task 1. Calculate your household’s carbon footprint, by clicking on Complete your questionnaire here: https://footprint.ww f.org.uk/#/ (Note: adult support will be required to answer some questions). As you are completing the questionnaire, ‘Did You Know?’ boxes and facts appear to the right. Make notes about some of the facts you learn as you click each question. After you have completed the questionnaire, your carbon footprint will be calculated as a percentage. You can then click to view full results. This gives you a breakdown of each section’s result and what you can do to improve it.

Task 2. Using all the information you have read, write down your carbon footprint percentage, facts about each section and what you intend to do in the future to improve your footprint.

 LI – To calculate my family’s carbon footprint and how we can reduce it


BBC website – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zncsscw/year-6-lessons/1

Find Maths for today’s lesson 1st June

LI – To convert fractions into percentages


For the maths extension group we are continuing with the White Rose hub. Please click on the link below and find Summer Term, Week 2 (w/c 27 April) and select lesson 1


LI – To find angles in special quadrilaterals


We are starting a new topic in Science today: Evolution and Inheritance. If you want to design a title page (like we would do in school) you can.

LI – To explain the scientific concept of inheritance and identify inherited characteristics

Task 1 – open up the power point presentation and read the first three slides. Complete the first activity, you don’t need to print it but copy it into your home learning book:

Activity Sheet Evolution and Inheritance Key Vocabulary

Lesson Presentation Inheritance Part 1

Task 2 – continue with the power point presentation, stop at slide 13. You don’t need to print out the sheets but copy the table from slide 13 into your home learning book then look at the cards and sort them into your table. Then check the answers.

Lesson Presentation Inheritance Part 2

Inherited Characteristics Cards

Task 3 – choose one of the activities below to complete. One is about looking at what characteristics you have inherited from your parents, the other is to look at what characteristics could be inherited from the two people if they had children.

Activity Sheet How Offspring Might Vary

Activity Sheet Investigating Inheritance and Variation

Stilling time

For stilling time today I would like you to read the Getting ready to go big attachment below. This is part of our transition work, there are a number of challenges for you to complete before starting your new school in September. Pick out some of the challenges that you think you can do quite easily and have a go at one or two. You can always share your work/ideas with me and Mrs Fitz

Getting-Ready-to-Go-Big-2020-1 home challenge

There are no answers needing to be posted this afternoon as all the tasks come with their answers and the English Extension task will be different for each individual household.

As always I do love looking at your work so please email me photos etc. If you need a reminder our email addresses are on the Oak class home page.

Have a good morning’s learning!



Mrs Poole