Our mission statement at Ellel St John’s says we will be a:

‘community that builds compassionate and resilient children ready to take their place in the world.’ 

Children need to be supported to cope with the pressures that our society places on them day to day so we employ a wide range of strategies to promote positive mental health and well-being. These include a comprehensive Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health Education Curriculum (CPSHE), ‘Stilling Time’ for all age groups and emotional support and mentoring when needed.

Mental Health Champion

Our Mental Health Champion is Mrs Amanda Turner, the school’s Learning Mentor. She is linked to a local network of professionals who work together to raise awareness and reduce the stigma often associated with poor mental health. She has access to the network, a local resource document as well as training in the area. If you would like to speak to Mrs Turner, make an appointment at the office.