Online Safety
As our school becomes increasingly active in the world of digital learning, communication and content there is a real need to recognise that digital technologies are used by people in ways that can create very serious difficulties (or worse) for children. As a school we wish to do all we can to safeguard children and to promote new ways of working.
The Internet has become an integral part of children’s lives, enabling them to undertake research for school projects, complete online learning, talk to their friends and access information from around the world. Increasing provision of the Internet in and out of school brings with it the need to ensure that learners are safe.
Although ongoing, each class undertakes extra activities during February on the ever increasing notion of how to keep safe online. There are many suitable websites which include a wealth of information for parents and carers. The websites below are worth visiting to find out more about internet safety and the safe use of developing technologies.
This website provides useful information, advice, guidance and resources to support school staff, children’s workforce colleagues and parents & carers to help children and young people stay safe online –
Mark your calendars! Safer Internet Day 2025 is set for Tuesday, February 11th. This year’s theme is: Too good to be true? Keeping yourself and others safe from scams online
Safer Internet Day 6th February 2024: Together for a better internet! To raise awareness of a safer and better internet for all, and especially for children and young people.
Safer Internet Day 7th February 2023: Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online
Fun and engaging educational resources and activities for Safer Internet Day
You can also access lots of online resources through your Purple Mash log in!
Safer Internet Day 8th February 2022: All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online
Increasingly our lives, and those of our children, revolve around digital technology. Devices bring many advantages, opportunities and pleasure but as the pace of development is so rapid it can be difficult to keep up to ensure secure and safe accessibility to online material, particularly through mobile/game technology.
Our school has policies in place to ensure our children are learning in a safe and secure environment which includes being safe online. This session for parents/carers has been organised to help you to contribute to the process of helping your child to be aware of the potential risks associated with using the internet and modern technologies.
The ever changing world of social media which our children master and adapt to so quickly can sometimes leave us as parents feeling ignorant and powerless. This opportunity to gain some insight and knowledge will be of great benefit in helping ensure they use social media both appropriately and safely.
The session will address the following areas with time for you to ask questions:
- What are our children doing online and are they safe?
- Do they know what to do if they come across something suspicious?
- Are they accessing age-appropriate content?
- How can I help my child stay safe online?
- What do I need to know about chat rooms, Snapchat, Instagram etc?
Online Safety Parent and Carer Session Invitation
Online Safety Creative Homework
A parent’s guide to privacy settings
Gaming: what parents and carers need to know
Safer Internet Day 9th February 2021: An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world. Safer Internet Day explored reliability online. The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online, but how do we separate fact from fiction? Safer Internet Day was celebrated globally with the slogan: Together for a better internet.
Safer Internet Day 2020 was celebrated in the UK on Tuesday 11th February, focusing on the theme of: ‘Free to be’ – looking at identity online. The aim of Safer Internet Day was to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.
In Year 1, the children are introduced to our AUP (Agreed Use Policy) and then again in Year 3. The children are reminded of these AUPs and that they have been shared with their parents and agreed to.
Staff AUP Updated December 2023
Parents and Carers ESafety Check List
Online Safety Policy Autumn 2024
ESafety Charter Rights and Responsibilities
This is an important and useful document filled with advice and guidance for how to ensure you and your family have a better and safe experience when online – Digital Parenting
New document with lots of information – Parenting in a Digital World Online

It’s not just through our computing curriculum that we teach children how to stay safe online. It is also through our PSHE – Personal, Social, Health education and our School Values.
We aim to develop the whole child, to teach the children in our care how to treat others and how to keep themselves safe. We provide the tools, supported by our parents and guardians.
Online safety is taught but also reinforced throughout our computing sessions. The children are reminded what to do if they see something online which makes them feel uncomfortable, for example, switch off the monitor or close the laptop. That way we can look at what they’ve seen and act upon it appropriately.
We have rigorous filtering systems in place but we recognise that it’s not as easy to enforce in the family home. Online Safety Evening Invitation
A huge thank you to our IT Technician for presenting our Online Safety Session. There were so many important messages about how we can help to keep pour children safe whilst online! We filmed the session for those adults who were unfortunately unable to attend.