We believe each child is known, unique, special and made in the image of God. Our children will discover a love of learning for life through an inspiring curriculum full of opportunity. Our school family is a welcoming, friendly community that builds compassionate and resilient children ready to take their place in the world.

Ellel St. John’s provides an engaging and memorable place-based curriculum, relevant to each individual child in their locality. Every child is entitled to a diverse curriculum which builds on and develops their life experiences, ensuring that they are offered equality of opportunity.

Our curriculum ensures that it develops the whole child: their spirituality; their social and emotional mental health and well-being; their physical health; their academic success and their creativity and innovation. These aspects contribute to our children becoming local, national and global citizens for the future.

Primary education is split into three different stages; Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2). EYFS in Acorn Class continues developing the progress children have made in pre-school and nursery settings. Key Stage 1 encompasses Beech class (Year 1) and Holly class (Year 2) finally Key stage 2 encompasses Hazel class (Year 3), Willow class (Year 4), Sycamore class (Year 5) and Oak class (Year 6)

Ellel St. John’s follows the National Curriculum which consists of five core subjects: English, Maths, Science, Computing and Religious Education. The other subjects covered (known as foundation subjects) are Art, Design Technology, History, Geography, Music, PE, Modern Foreign Language (MFL) and Personal Social Health Education (PSHE).

At the start of each half term, each class teacher will send home a letter outlining the elements of the curriculum to be covered. This will give parents more information as to what is being taught in that half term. This information is added to each class webpage. Extra updates and information are also added to each class blog. Information about each subject or year group can be found below.