Each half term one of our classes from Year 1 – 6 plan and lead a beautiful Eucharist service in our school hall with the help and support of Craig and Ian. These are always beautiful services, reflecting the worship value of that half term or important events in the Christian calendar. Here are some photos from our Eucharist services:
The Eucharist Service led by Willow Class – December 2024:
The Eucharist Service led by Sycamore Class – October 2024:
Sycamore Eucharist Service October 2024
Here are some photos of the Eucharist service:
The Eucharist Service led by Hazel Class – March 2024:
Have a look at the Powerpoint presentation that Hazel Class put together including some of their beautiful artwork:
Here are some photos of the Eucharist service:
Photos from some of the Eucharist services in the school year 2023/24: