Primary School’s Sports Funding

As a school community, we were delighted when the Government announced that every primary school in the country would receive a substantial (and ring-fenced) sum of money to improve the quality of sport and P.E. for all our pupils.

 What is the Sports Premium?

The government has provided sport funding every academic year since 2013/14. The funding is jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and sees money going directly to primary school headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children.

Our Primary School Sport’s Funding will enable us to continue and extend our provision through employing additional sports professionals, entering into more competitive sports competitions and training our staff to deliver in-house quality PE sessions. As a result we aim to enable pupils to develop a healthy lifestyle.

How did we improve our PE provision in 2022 – 23?

Please see our most recent report for 2022-23 to see how we have further spent our Sports Premium Funding and our proposal for 2022-23:

2023 Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium

How did we improve our PE provision in 2021 – 22?

Please see our most recent report for 2021-22 to see how we have further spent our Sports Premium Funding and our proposal for 2022-23:

Sports Premium Website Statement 2021-2022

How did we improve our PE provision in 2020 – 21?

Please see our most recent report for 2020-21 to see how we have further spent our Sports Premium Funding and our proposal for 2021-22:

Sports Premium 20-21

How did we improve our PE provision in 2018 and 2019/20?

Please see our most recent report for 2018 and 2019/20 to see how we have further spent our Sports Premium Funding and our proposal for 2020/21:

Sports Premium Report 2019,20,21


How did improve our PE provision in 2016/17?

  • Even though we have provided more before and after school club provision we still feel we could do more. We aim to subsidise before and after school Zumba and Cheerleading classes for the whole school to give all children the opportunity to keep healthy and active in a different way.
  • We have started a Forest Schools programme in school. Our Forest School teacher has been with us for just over a year. We feel this so far has been massively beneficial to the children in our school. At Forest School children are physically active a lot of the time and their stamina improves as they go through their Forest School sessions. Their experience can also help to lead to the development of healthier lifestyles as children ask parents to take them on trips to woodlands and green spaces outside of school times. As the children gain confidence and improve their self-esteem this can impact on their emotional and mental well-being.  We wish to continue with this by training another member of staff to take over the role of our current teacher when her time finishes.
  • Complete a pupil survey to see what the children feel we could still do better in our PE provision. this will be analysed and next steps taken to put responses into action.
  • Undertake lesson observations to ensure high quality lessons are being taught after the training provided.
  • Write a School Food and Fitness Policy.
  • Design and implement an assessment system for PE across the whole school. We will then be able to see how children are progressing with all the new systems we have in place for PE (i.e. staff training, new curriculum planning etc).


How did improve our PE provision in 2015 and 16?

How have we spent the funding so far Impact this has had on our school
Buying into a local School Sport Partnership provided by LRGS alongside other local primary schools where children take part in competitions  Chn have been able to participate in a range of competitive sports to fulfill their potential. children feel there is a purpose and goal for attending the clubs provided that enable them to compete. It has also given chn an opportunity to
Allocating funding to further enhance staff expertise when teaching specific areas of P.E.  

By attending staff training sessions, teaching staff also feel more confident in delivering these areas of the curriculum. High quality PE lessons are taught throughout school ensuring consistency and progression.

Employing a local experienced dance teacher  to support every class teacher in their teaching of dance.  

Staff feel more confident in their teaching of dance  and as a result they are able to be more confident in delivering these areas of the curriculum. High quality dance lessons are now taught throughout school ensuring consistency and progression.

Welcoming coaches from local clubs into school to provide extra opportunities for children at street dance, ju-jitsu and KS1 ball skills provided by enjoyaball.  

More children have been able to participate in more active activities as there have been more on offer to them. It has been especially impactful as children who don’t go to the traditional after school sports clubs have been attending these other clubs.

Enabling all teaching staff to take part in an Outdoor Education day at Borwick hall  

Teaching staff felt more confident in delivering outdoor education lessons and therefore children are able to benefit from these lessons.

Provide a range of PE equipment that is safe and appropriate for all children throughout the school  

We have raised attainment as more equipment is available in PE lessons. This has enabled children to spend more time developing their individual skills.

PE Coordinator to attend training to deliver the PE curriculum.  

This has been passed on to staff and they are now delivering lessons in line with the new curriculum. High quality PE lessons are being taught throughout school ensuring consistency and progression. As a result, children are benefiting from a more wide and varied curriculum.

Installing a trim trail in the school grounds as a way to Staff will also be able to use their Outdoor Ed training on this equipment to enhance PE lessons.  

We have been able to promote physical development and for children to stay fit and exercise in a less traditional ‘sports’ way to try to ensure we are targeting as many children as possible.


As well as this, we have continued to offer lots of different after school sporting opportunities for Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key stage 2 including football and netball, cricket, rounders and cross country running.

Based on the improvement in our PE provision in 2015 we received the Sainsbury’s School Games ‘Silver’ kitemark and have continued to receive this reward each year since.