At Ellel St. John’s we have high quality, extremely popular, before and after school care in our ‘Breakfast Club’ and after school ‘Kids’ Club.’

Breakfast Club

A breakfast club runs in school providing supervised care by qualified staff from 7.45-8.50am. This facility is run to support our busy, working parents and offers places for up to 24 children. The club is open on weekdays during term time.

Breakfast Club charges:-

7.45—8.50am children pay £3.50 per session for supervision, activities and a healthy breakfast.

After-school Club

Ellel Kids’ Club is a facility for parents who need child care after school. It has been a great success with numbers rising steadily.

The club is open every week day during term time, and runs from 3.00-5.45pm with spaces for up to 40 children.

Parents may collect their children at any time during the session. Children are collected from their classes at the end of the day. We hope to provide a ‘home from home’ atmosphere where children enjoy a wide variety of activities from cookery, craft activities and messy play to outdoor games and fun.

After-school Club charges:-

There is a charge of £8.00 per session. This includes all activities and materials, a healthy snack at the beginning of the session and toast and a drink for those children staying later. Bookings can be made through Miss Tracey Winstanley who is our Kids’ Club co-ordinator.