The school is organised into seven single age class groups.
Each class joins together in Reception and moves forward together throughout the school.
8.45am | School Registration | 8.45am |
9.05 – 9.25am | Worship | 9.05-9.25am |
10.30 – 10.45am | Morning break | 10.30 – 10.45am |
12.00 – 1.00pm | Lunchtime | 12.15 – 1.00pm |
2.00 – 2.10pm | Afternoon break | No break for KS2 |
3.00pm | School closes | 3.00pm |
Our school current opening hours – 31.15 hours
School organisation for arrival and departure
*School begins each morning at 8.45am. It is important for the children to arrive on time but not too early. Children can arrive on site from 8.35am but should be supervised by a parent or carer. Any pupil who cannot be supervised should only arrive in time to go straight into the classroom at 8.45am.
*The school bell is rung at 8.45am when the children line up in an orderly fashion and enter school through the classrooms adjacent to the playground.
*School finishes at 3.00pm and parents collect their children from the school yard, or school gate as children get older.
*Staff in Key Stage 1 will come outside with the children to check that the children have been picked up safely.
*We like the parents of Reception children to collect them from the classroom.
*We remind children to return to the office if they are usually collected by parents there is no one to take them home.
*We do not allow children to leave school before 3.00pm unless they are collected by a responsible person. Please let us know if you have to make alternative arrangements for the collection of your child.
*Parents are asked to walk to school whenever possible, or leave their cars on Chapel Street or the Methodist Church car park. It is against school policy to bring cars onto the school drive, in the interest of the safety of the children. Please also set a good example to the children by using the path and not walking on the drive or car park.
The family will aim to:
*Support the school’s standards, values and ethos
*Encourage your child, by example, to respect others (staff, parents and pupils) and their surroundings
*Support the school’s policies on uniform, behaviour and discipline
*Ensure that your child attends school regularly; and is properly equipped for the day’s lessons (especially PE, swimming and games lessons)
*Always inform school to explain absence on the first day and write a letter of confirmation when your child returns to school
*Ensure your child’s safe arrival and return from school. Make sure they understand how to travel safely using appropriate routes
*Park safely in an appropriate place when dropping off and picking up your child and comply with the zig-zag markings outside the school entrance
*Ensure your child arrives at school on time (between 8.45-8.55am) ready for the start of the school day, and is collected on time (3.00pm) or please make sure suitable arrangements are made for their safe journey home
*Support your child with their homework and hear your child read regularly until they reach reading independence
*Keep school up to date with your child’s address, telephone number, mobile numbers and emergency contact numbers
*Inform school or the class teacher of any concerns you may have or any change in circumstance which may affect your child and their behaviour in school
*Attend Parents’ evening or contact the school to arrange a mutually convenient date
*Support ‘Friends of Ellel’ (PTA) or school events, performances and celebration assemblies whenever possible