School Uniform

The Headteacher and Governors request parents’ co-operation in encouraging their child to wear school uniform which consists of:-

White blouse or T-shirt with collar
Bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan
Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
White or grey socks
Flat heeled shoes (not trainers, open toed sandals or beach shoes)

Optional Summer Uniform:

Green and white gingham cotton dress
Grey shorts
Grey or white short sleeved shirt or T-shirt with collar
Green legionnaire’s or baseball cap

P.E. Kit – Plain cotton T-shirt, cotton gym shorts (not cycling or football shorts), short socks, indoor pumps, trainers (optional for outdoors).

Swimming – Children in Key Stage 2 go swimming. They will require a one-piece costume/trunks, towel and a cap if their hair is long. The Local Authority insists that no jewellery is worn when swimming tuition takes place.

The full range of our school uniform is available from ‘Uniform and Leisurewear’ at 15 Common Garden Street, Lancaster. Tel: 01524 388355

School clothing can be purchased more widely. Branded items are optional and not a requirement. School operates a discrete, FREE, second hand uniform shop on a Friday 2.45-3.15pm located in ‘The Nest’.