Welcome to Week 5 of home learning, I hope you all had a lovely weekend with your families.

Here is the learning plan for today:

Monday 4th May 2020 Home Learning

Here is the activity for science today:

Life Cycle of a Sea Turtle

Remember to check out Spelling Shed for this week’s spellings. There’s also new activities on Purple Mash and Mathletics for you to complete.

Every day this week, I will be setting you a special task linked to VE Day, which is this Friday. Today, I would like you to design your own celebratory bunting. Here is a template:Bunting Template. Here are some bunting instructions: Bunting instructions. Make sure you send a photo to me, via my school email address so we can share our beautiful bunting.

In Maths we will be continuing to look at addition and subtraction. Here is a handy knowledge guide (same as last week) for parents.

Year 2 Maths Addition and Subtraction knowledge organiser

If you are looking for something extra to do at home you could try the second Talk for Writing Home Learning Unit.

Talk 4 Writing Unit 2