Hello everyone,

If you have any work you wish to show me then please email me.  I would really like to see how you’re all getting on.  Feel free also to comment on the blog.

Here are today’s activities.


Live PE lesson on youtube at 9am with Joe Wicks.  I did it yesterday for the first time and I’m going to do it everyday. It’s great for you and for your families. Get everyone involved.  You can get it on a smart tv, computer, laptop, ipad or phone. You can also access Monday, Tuesday and todays if you missed it, so no excuses!

Maths: L.I. To compare and classify angles

classifying angles 25th March

?    Answers for 25th tym pg 118

Please complete into your book.   I will post the answers later on today for an adult to  mark.

English: L.I. To Justify my responses.

Please read the next chapter and then click on the activity for the day to accompany it.

I would love to hear what you think of the story so far. So leave a message if you would like to.

And Alls Well text

And Alls Well activity


I saw this activity and thought you might like a go at making one.  It is only a picture of completed pieces but I thought they looked fun to do. You can use a toilet roll middle (hoping you have some!) and tip the top in on both sides creating the ears.  You may not have paint at home but you could use felt pens or if your family have any emulsion tester pots hanging about, use those.  Remember to check with an adult first, cover your clothes and wash your hands properly afterwards.  Hope you  have fun.

cat inspired egyptian art

When you complete please if possible send me a picture or a message. I could post some pictures on the blog to share.

Happy Wednesday

Mrs Graham?