Hi,  I can’t believe we are on Thursday already.  How are you all getting on?  It has been lovely reading your messages and seeing your work keep them coming!  I am going to share some pictures on a seperate blog on Friday for all to see.

In addition to the websites that are posted here there are some which you may find useful on the main webiste page under classes then the top tab which says ‘websites and apps.’ Have a look.

Here are today’s activities.

P.E. – Log onto Joe Wicks on youtube for a great morning workout.  How did you do yesterday? The more you do it the easier it becomes. Who knew that 30 seconds could last so long??

English: L.I. To understand and write expanded noun phrases.

Thursday 26th April noun phrases

There is also a challenge activity at the bottom of the page.  Write all sentences into your books. You could underline the noun phrases in a different colour to show where you have altered them.

In addition there is a free audio book with david walliams each morning at 11am.   https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/

This may be nice to have a bit of time to yourselves if you have a set of headphones or share with the family, you choose.

Don’t forget that tomorrow is Spelling Test day!  

Maths: L.I. To learn the times tables up to 12x

Please log onto your purple mash account. I have set a 2do for you all.  It is a fun times tables game. Good luck.

Science: L.I. To identify electrical components and explore electrical circuits.

Please click on the link below to find a great game for our electricity topic.  As we are not in school we are unable to build a circuit and test these out. Therefore, please draw some of these into your book and label them correctly, then write why they worked or didn’t work.

Have fun and let me know how you get on.


Have a great Thursday Willow Class.

Love  Mrs Graham. ?