Good morning Oak Class!

I hope you all slept well. If you’re not already planning to, please start your day with the Joe Wicks work out. I’ll be doing it at school so it’ll be like we’re doing it together. How wonderful it’d be if the whole of Oak Class did it! In case you miss the daily ones live, you can find them later on YouTube (this was Tuesday’s but try to do today’s live if you can):


Yesterday, you began planning your TV news report about the Tempest off the coast of Milan. Remember, this should be written as though you are the reporter live at the scene. Today, use your plan to write up the report, remembering to edit and improve as you go. Use a dictionary and thesaurus; you can find online ones if you’ve not got them at home. You can print this template off to use if you wish or just write in your book:

TV News Report Tempest

Success Criteria:

  • Try to include the full range of punctuation – ! ? , . “” () – ; : – (where appropriate)
  • Include direct speech with the correct pucntuation when you quote your eye-witnesses
  • Describe the setting and atmosphere
  • Select appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures, e.g. using contracted forms in dialogue; using passive verbs to affect how information is presented; using modal verbs to suggest degrees of possibility
  • Use a range of devices to build cohesion (e.g. conjunctions, adverbials of time and place, pronouns, synonyms) within and across paragraphs
  • Use verb tenses consistently and correctly throughout your writing

Good luck!


Start with the White Rose Maths Hub Problem of the Day every day using this link:

LI – To interpret and construct pie charts.

Look at the examples on p.140 and then select which section(s) to complete in your work book. Answers will be posted later. Please click the link below to access the pages and if possible/if it helps, print them out. You will only be able to actually construct pie charts if you have a protractor at home so if not, just do the interpreting questions.

Pie Charts

Topic – Geography Focus

I’ve set you a task on Purple Mash based on River Features. Please match each of the features of a river to the correct picture. As we’ve already done some learning about this, I’d also like you to write a definition for each of the features. You can look online for help with this if you need it.

Stilling Time

Yoga for the classroom (or living room 😉

Have a lovely day – see you all tomorrow!