Morning everyone!

I’ll see you in the Google Meet at 9:30. We will do the spelling test at the following times:

10:10 Kappa /Omega

10:20 Pi


Today’s Learning:


11x tables for this week’s test on Friday please.


Choose Level 5  – Rounding  – nearest whole number. Extension  – to 2 DP.

Use the PowerPoint below to help with your understanding of reflection:


Mild Sheet 1

Spciy Sheet 2

Hot Sheet 3


Further challenge:

Further Challenge

Answers Further Challenge




L.I. – To plan and write a Cinquain poem.

Use the words you collected and any you have added from the Google Meet on the theme of Spring.

Write your own Spring themed Cinquain. Use the template below to help you to plan and write your poem.

Cinquains Planning Sheet

Here’s the Shared poem we wrote in today’s Google Meet:

Spring Time

Cherry Blossom

Singing birds and lush grass

Hopeful that Easter is coming




Have a go at Mr. Garvey’s P.E. or Joe Wicks or an activity of your own. Get outdoors if you can!



Social media: staying safe and happy

Social media can be a really great way to stay in touch with friends and family. We also know that sometimes there can be problems when people chat in this way – just as there can be when people chat face-to-face.

This Social Media Activity Sheet – click here to view,  has some fun ideas for helping us to think about the positives and negatives of social media, including how to stay safe and happy!



Take some time to think about the Positivity task that Mrs Tyson set.


Stilling Time

With the wonderful Mrs O’Donnell.


Great effort today Sycamore!

Keep going one step at a time -you’re doing so well!

love from Mrs. Padfield
