Sycamore Class Isolation Learning

Below are some activities for you to work through while you are isolating (as long as you are well enough to work).

  • Each day has a choice of  tasks for Maths and English. Please choose one maths activity and one English activity per day from the resources below and then choose from the additional activities at the bottom if you want to do more. For example – For Day 1 for Maths, look at the Place Value workbook and select one activity to do. Repeat this for English.
  • After 5 days, just go back to Day 1 again and choose a different task. There should be plenty to choose from even if you are off for the full 10 days isolation.
  • Please don’t do any of this work unless you are isolating but feeling well. If you’re ill and not well enough to be at school then you should be resting.
  • I can be contacted on my email address:  should you need any help. Please allow up to 48 hours to receive a response.


Day 1 

Y5 Multiplication and division Workbook

Multiplication and Division Learning from Home – Workbook – Booklet

Multiplication and Division Learning from Home – Answer Book


Y5 Place Value Workbook

Year 5 Maths Number and Place Value Workbook

Year 5 Maths Number and Place Value Workbook Answers


Day 2

Y5 Addition and Subtraction Workbook





Day 3

Number of the Week

Number of the Week Y5 Wk6

Number of the Week Y5 Wk6 Answers


Day 4

Select a challenge!


Year 5 Spring 1 Activity Mat 1


Day 5

Times Tables Practice

Activity Booklet

Answer Booklet

This is a great website for generating your own times tables worksheets:


Don’t forget you can also access  Mathletics and Purple Mash to practice times tables.



Day 1

Winter Workbook



Day 2


You will be able to access the weekly spellings as normal on Spelling Shed.


Here is a list of Y5/6 statutory spellings for your information:



Day 3

Spag Mat




Day 4

60 Second Reading Comprehension

60-Second Reads Guidance

My Journey Into Space

Nine Facts about Planet Nine

The Meteor Shower

The Space Times – Solar Eclipse at Eclipseville

Who Were the Ancient Greeks

The Outstanding Olympics

Treasure Hunting


Day 5

Writing Task



Additional Activities

The websites below have continued to produce lessons for Home Learning which you can also choose to access for other subjects.


Here are some ideas for the Spring Term:

Earth and Space


I would suggest the following which follow were  covered in class during the Autumn Term:


History: Ancient Greece