Sycamore Class Blog

Sycamore Class Blog2023-09-20T07:54:59+00:00
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It has been a busy start to the half term in Sycamore Class! Last week we continued with our learning about forces, completing different boat making challenges to learn about the forces that act in water. Today some of our class began their Sports Leader training and this afternoon Mrs Richardson told us about her visit to the Amazon Rainforest. The children asked some great questions and learnt a lot from the session. #sycamore #Living #Loving #learning ... See MoreSee Less

It has been a busy start to the half term in Sycamore Class! Last week we continued with our learning about forces, completing different boat making challenges to learn about the forces that act in water. Today some of our class began their Sports Leader training and this afternoon Mrs Richardson told us about her visit to the Amazon Rainforest. The children asked some great questions and learnt a lot from the session. #sycamore #living #loving #learningImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

Oak and Sycamore classes had a fantastic time at their Christmas party yesterday afternoon - games, lots of dancing and food, food, food! A big thank you for all of the food donations that were sent in. #Oak #sycamore #Living #Loving ... See MoreSee Less

Oak and Sycamore classes had a fantastic time at their Christmas party yesterday afternoon - games, lots of dancing and food, food, food! A big thank you for all of the food donations that were sent in. #Oak #Sycamore #living #lovingImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

Sycamore class have had a busy day of learning about how different forces act in science and taking part in our Reindeer’s Run this afternoon! #sycamore #living #learning ... See MoreSee Less

Sycamore class have had a busy day of learning about how different forces act in science and taking part in our Reindeer’s Run this afternoon! #sycamore #living #learningImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

We are very proud of our children in Sycamore Class, what fantastic homework about our topic of Ancient Greece! We also had a lot of children who sent in presentations that they had done digitally, which were equally as fantastic. Well done everyone! #sycamore #Loving #learning ... See MoreSee Less

We are very proud of our children in Sycamore Class, what fantastic homework about our topic of Ancient Greece! We also had a lot of children who sent in presentations that they had done digitally, which were equally as fantastic. Well done everyone! #sycamore #loving #learningImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment
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